Sunday, May 20, 2007

Every time I go into Bookman's I check to see if they have a copy of "No Country for Old Men" by Cormac McCarthy. It seems like the Coen brothers will spare me the future trouble as they have made a movie based on this very novel. Needless to say, I'm quite looking forward to it.

Let's see....what else do I have for this month's post...

Not much.

Well, I now have a bachelor’s degree in biology.

Yep, that's it. See you next month.


Trish_Nicole said...

You posted this REALLY early this morning... what were you doing up so early?

Also what're you going to do with said degree? Have you dissected human?

Michael Burton said...

I didn't go to bed then wake up at 1am if that's what you think. I was just still up. If you think that being up at 1am is weird you must be getting old.

As for my degree plans...I don't know. Lab tech maybe. Or teach. I'll probably just do the first thing I find that sounds interesting.

And yes I have dissected human, but that's purely coincidental.

Trish_Nicole said...

I am getting old. But so are you, you've graduated college that means you're old.

Timothy J. Cason said...

You really do only post once per month. That's pretty interesting. I never made the connection.

Jared Carter said...

We should open a science restaurant together. Geez, I sure hope I speeled retaurant right, or else I'll look like a dumb asshole.

Jake said...

Maybe you can use your degree to send me my copy of "1984". I'm assuming that you haven't sent it back because you weren't educated enough to. That excuse will not stand now

Michael Burton said...

Jake, I know you don't get to hear this very often so I'm glad I get to say it: you're right.

Your copy of "1984" is even now awaiting the highly skilled hands of a loving postal employee to carry it home. Unless you've moved since I've last seen you, in which case it's being carried to someone else's home.