Sunday, January 21, 2007

There's still snow on the ground.

From earlier.

When it fucking snowed.

In Tucson.

Need proof that global warming is a bunch of liberal tree-hugging crystal-gripping hippie nonsense?

Come to Tucson and look down.

Cold hard facts.

Emphasis on cold.

Seriously though, I’m not awed by snow or anything and I know it’s not unheard-of for it to snow in Tucson, but it’s the first time it’s happened since I’ve been here. And it is freakin’ cold. I can understand why Dante described the lowest levels of Hell as icy, frozen rivers. I feel bad for people who have to endure it. I mean actual people not people in Hell. Because there are no people in Hell. Because there is no Hell. And it’s not even that cold.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I realized something the other day that I can’t believe I’ve never really thought about before. About Christians. It’s insane. I think about it, you know, in my head and I can’t believe that there are people who don’t think it's weird. Emphasis on weird. I’ve studied some pretty messed up pagan cultures, but none of them had the audacity to do what Christians do. Maybe some, but I doubt it. I don’t know how Christians get away with it.

Eating their god.

Chewing up, swallowing, digesting, secreting and flushing away their lord and savior.



Jared Carter said...

I heard it even snowed in Coolidge, and Phoenix (Not in our area of Phoenix I guess). That's pretty crazy though, it was on the news that a homeless man froze to death in Tucson. This made the news I guess because he didn't die of neglect, but the weather. It's supposed to relieve us all of responsibility.

Jason P. Woodbury said...

That's what the Romans thought about Christians too.

You know what's worse? That us Christians do that to each other.

Michael Burton said...

You guys eat each other too? You're not a pig or something for gods sake!

Timothy J. Cason said...

I don't think it's all that bad. And I don't have any clue what I'm talking about.

I mean eating your God. Really.... He's just God.

Michael Burton said...

Well, I guess I'm the only one that thinks it's weird to show reverence to an all-powerful god by chewing on him.

And it's cannibalism if you believe jesus was a man.

And it's freakin' weird either way.

And how do you possibly justify it?

And a woman can't have an abortion, but you can eat a dead jew on a regular basis?

And it just occurred to me that I'm trying to present an argument to people who think it’s morally acceptable to dine on a deity.

And now I feel stupid.

Timothy J. Cason said...

Well ... I don't know how to explain it. A lot of religions do a lot of weird stuff.

So if you're saying religion is weird then I agree with you. Plus.. I mean there's always the copout, "Jesus told me to."

But yeah... like I said before. I don't know what I'm talking about. I don't even know how I feel on the matter. Also, you shouldn't feel dumb for arguing with idiots.

We're all idiots. I mean... humans... we're pretty idiotic.

Michael Burton said...

Tim, yeah I totally agree with you. And after thinking about my last comment I can see how somebody might interpret that as me calling you and your religion stupid, which wasn’t my intention at all. I don't even know if you're a christian or not so mainly my last reply was aimed at Jason and making him see that his beliefs are silly.

Jason P. Woodbury said...

Silly. My middle name.

No joke.